Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Vocals: Jon
Lead 1 (square]

Guitar: Criss I
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar: Criss II
Overdriven Guitar

Bass: Keith
Acoustic Bass

Drums: Steve
Do you suf fer, from the fears of grow ing old? Do you won der, what might hap pen to yer soul? There is a ma gic place that just might solve yer case And it's just a mys te ry to the mind _ The foun tain of youth That's where we might find the truth It's gon na put yer head in a rush And the sci ence is work ing on us It is The foun tain of youth That's where we might find the truth It's gon na put yer head in a rush And the sci ence is work ing on us Ponce De Le on in the search for the gold _ In d'an tales _ nev er grow _ ing old _ By the walls and the springs hear a voice of yes ter day sing It's just a mys t'ry to the mind _ The foun tain of youth That's where we might find the truth It's gon na put yer head in a rush And the sci ence is work ing on us part of the power _ _ pow er of the night It's where the sun beats down on the pit as you... In tales a ma gic place I saw the vision of a face _ It solved the mys t'ries in my mind _